Rebuilding Lives With Faith In Our Students

The Dolev House is a non-profit organization, with schools located across the country. Its mission is to rehabilitate At-Risk youth, to build up and empower their identities. We enable them to acquire basic life skills, by which means these boys and girls can integrate into society. The organization utilizes the model of “family group living” whereby 10 – 12 girls occupy one home, together with nuclear house-parents. Together they manage a common living space, and all that this entails. The organization in the last decade has outlined a distinctive method of inclusiveness for these girls, in consolidating rehabilitative processes, such that the girls build trust in themselves and their community. They are coping with problems of violence, drugs and alcohol, and are creating a more stable self-identity. The staff of the organization is large and varied. It includes family staff who live with the girls, emotional therapists from a broad range of professional specialties, a medical staff, and technical staff. This non-profit organization is established and much valued, and has been bestowed a number of citations and awards of distinction for its most blessed accomplishments.


The Team

Ilan Biton


Tovi Kari

Head of Therapeutic Team

Hana Bahalul

Head of Upper Division

Simcha Kurtz

VP of Finance

Sarit Simchi

Head of Lower Division

Ram Paz

Director of Tamar Boarding School

Avi Gershom

מנהל אופק תעסוקתי

Tamir Shor

Director of Geffen Boarding School

Anat Yizhaki

Integration Coordinator

Yehuda Schwarz

Resource Development